Previous Weeks Y3
Summer Term
Week Beginning Monday 13th July
Friday 17th July
Today you’ll have enrichment activities set for you by your teacher so have a look at the email sent to you today.
Please continue to practise your times tables and continue to read throughout the summer. Have a wonderful summber break!
Answers for yesterday’s DGR:
Thursday 16th July
The home learning tasks for today:
Answers for yesterday’s work:
Resources you’ll need for today:
Wednesday 15th July
The home learning tasks for today:
Answers to yesterday’s work:
These are the resources you’ll need for today:
Tuesday 14th July
The home learning tasks for today:
Answers to yesterday’s work:
The resources you’ll need for today:
Moinday 13th July
The home learning tasks for today:
The resources you’ll need for today:
Friday 10th July
The home learning tasks for today:
Answers for yesterday’s Maths:
These are the resources you’ll need for today:
Friday Multiplication and Division Facts Tables of 4 and 8
Thursday 9th July
The home learning tasks for today:
Answers for yesterday’s Maths:
Resources you’ll need for today:
Thursday Multiplication and Division Facts 3
Thursday Design and Technology
Wednesday 8th July
The home learning tasks for today:
Answers for yesterday’s Maths:
Resources you’ll need today:
Wednesday Multiplying Multiples of 10
Wednesday Design and technology
Tuesday 7th July
The home learning tasks for today:
Answers to yesterday’s work:
The resources you’ll need for today:
Tuesday Multiplication-Tables of 4 and 8
Monday 6th July
The home learning tasks for today:
The resources you’ll need for today:
Monday Multiplication-Tables of 3
Friday 3rd July
The home learning tasks for today:
The answers for Thursday’s work:
The resources you will need for today:
The resources for The Prince of Wales Virtual Olympics:
Thursday 2nd July
The home learning tasks for today:
The answers to yesterday’s work:
The resources you will need for today:
Wednesday 1st July
The home learning tasks for today:
The answers for yesterday’s work:
The resources you will need for today:
Wednesday-Subtracting-expanded columnar method
Resources for The Prince of Wales Virtual Olympics:
POW Summer Olympics Pupil Results Card
POW Virtual Summer Olympics Presentation
Virtual Summer Olympics Pupil Events
Tuesday 30th June
The home learning tasks for today:
The answers for yesterday’s work:
The resources you will need for today:
Tuesday Adding- expanded columnar method
Resources for The Prince of Wales Virtual Olympics:
POW Summer Olympics Pupil Results Card
POW Virtual Summer Olympics Presentation
Virtual Summer Olympics Pupil Events
Monday 29th June
The home learning tasks for today:
The resources you will need for today:
Monday Adding- partitioned columnar method
Resources for The Prince of Wales Virtual Olympics:
POW Summer Olympics Pupil Results Card
POW Virtual Summer Olympics Presentation
Virtual Summer Olympics Pupil Events
Friday 26th June
The home learning tasks for today:
Answers for Thursday’s work:
The resources you will need for today:
Friday Maths Strike It Out Game
Thursday 25th June
The home learning tasks for today:
Answers for Wednesday’s work:
Resources for today:
Thursday: Subtract 2 3 digit numbers
Wednesday 24th June
Your home learning tasks for today:
Answers to Tuesday’s work:
These are the resources you will need for today:
Wednesday-Subtract 3 digit from a 2 digit
Conjunctions prepositions and adverbs – time
Tuesday 23rd June
Your home learning tasks for today:
Answers to Monday’s work:
These are the resources you will need for today:
Tuesday-Adding 2 3 digit numbers
Monday 22nd June
The home learning tasks for today are here:
Monday 22nd June home learning tasks
The resources for today:
Monday- Adding a 3 digit to a 2 digit number
Imperative Verbs PowerPoint – monday
Monday highlighting the imperative verbs
Monday – adding imperative verbs
Week Beginning Monday 15th June
Friday 19th June
The home learning tasks for today:
Answers from yesterday’s work:
Resources for today:
Thursday 18th June
The home learning tasks for today:
Answers from yesterday’s work:
Resources for today:
Thursday Subtracting 2 2 Digit Numbers
Wednesday 17th June
The home learning tasks for today are here:
Wednesday 17th June online learning tasks
Answers from yesterday’s work:
Resources for today:
Wednesday Subtracting 2 2 Digit Numbers
Tuesday 16th June
The home learning tasks for today:
These are the resources your will need for today:
Tuesday Adding 2 Digit Numbers
Here are the answers from Monday:
Monday 15th June
The home learning tasks for today:
These are the resources your will need for today:
English Newspaper articles with interviews in them
Monday Adding 2 2 Digit Numbers
Friday 12th June
The home learning tasks for today:
Friday 12th June home learning tasks
Check your answers for the work yesterday:
Resources for today:
Friday Number Patterns 1’s and 10’s
Our curriculum map for this term can be found here:
Year 3 Curriculum Map Summer 2
Thursday 11th June
The home learning tasks for today are here:
Answers to yesterday’s work:
These are the resources you will need for today:
Thursday 1 less 10 less 100 less
Wednesday 10th June
The home learning tasks for today are here:
Answers to yesterday’s Maths:
These are the resources you will need for today:
Tuesday 9th June
The home learning tasks for today are here:
Tuesday 9th June home learning tasks
Answers for the work from yesterday:
Work for today:
Maths lesson – Tuesday 9th June
Tuesday Counting in 5’s and then 50’s
You can also see the assembly for this week here:
Monday 8th June
Today’s home learning tasks:
Resources you will need for today:
Monday English Letter with paragraphs
Week Beginning Monday 1st June
Friday 5th June
Today’s home learning tasks:
Friday 5th June online learning tasks
Resources you will need for today:
Thursday 4th June
The online learning tasks for today are here:
Thursday 4th June online learning tasks
Answers for Wednesday’s work:
Answers Wednesday- Tally Charts and Pictograms
Resources for today:
Thursday English letters – missing features
Wednesday 3rd June
Your tasks for today can be found here:
The answers for Tuesday’s Maths:
These are the resources you will need for today:
Wednesday Tally Chart and Pictograms
Wednesday letters (not highlighted)
Wednesday letters with features highlighted
Tuesday 2nd June
Your tasks for today can be found here:
Home Learning-Tuesday 2nd June
The answers for Monday’s Maths:
These are the resources you will need for today:
The tasks for Monday can be found here:
Home Learning – Monday 1st June
The resources for today are here:
Week 5- Beginning Monday 18th May
Friday 22nd May
Today is an Enrichment Day, check your email from your teacher for some activities you can do. You can also continue your Music activity from yesterday’s home learning activity sheet.
Answers from Thursday:
Answers Thursday DGR- A River’s Journey
Thursday 21st May
Your home learning tasks for today:
The resources you will need for today:
River Music- River Joining The Sea
Thursday DGR- A River’s Journey
Answers for Wednesday:
Wednesday 20th May
Your home learning tasks for today:
These are the resources you will need for today:
Answers from Tuesday:
Tuesday 19th May
Your home learning tasks for today:
Tuesday 19th May online learning tasks
Answers from Monday:
Work for Tuesday:
Monday 18th May
Your home learning tasks for today are here:
These are the resources you will need for today:
Slide 1- Names of Parts of the Body
Thursday 14th May
You can find the home learning tasks for today here:
Thursday 14th May online learning tasks
Answers from yesterday:
Resources for today:
Wednesday 13th May
You can find the home learning tasks for today here:
Wednesday 13th May online learning tasks
These are the resources for the home learning tasks today:
Here are the answers for your Maths work yesterday:
Tuesday 12th May
You can find the home learning tasks for today here:
These ar the resources for today:
Here are the answers for your Maths work yesterday:
Monday 11th May
You can find the home learning tasks for today here:
These are the resources for today:
Here are the answers for your DGR from last Thursday:
VE Day – Friday 8th May
Please celebrate VE Day at home with your family on Friday 8th May. We would love to see photographs of your celebrations that we can include in the newsletter over the next few weeks. There are lots of ideas of how to make war time cakes and bunting and a suggestion of having a indoor family picnic in the link below. Don’t forget we learnt lots of wartime song in assembly – maybe you can teach one of these to someone at home!
How to make your Great British bunting step by step
VE Day activites 7th 8th May (1)
Week 3 – Beginning Monday 4th May
Thursday 7th May
The home learning tasks for today are here:
Thursday 7th May online learning tasks
Answers from yesterday can be found here:
DGR answers: Wednesday 6th May
Wednesday 6th May Maths Answers
Resources for today:
Wednesday 6th May
This is your home learning for today:
These are the resources you will need to help you today:
These are the answers for yesterday’s Maths and DGR:
Tuesday 5th May
The home learning for today:
Resources for Tuesday:
French Slide 1- Naming Body Parts in French
French Slide 2- Writing Names of Body Parts in French
French Slide 3-Drawing and Labelling Body Parts in French
Answers from Monday:
Monday 4th May
The home learning for today:
Monday 4th May online learning tasks
Answers from Friday:
Resources for Monday:
Me and My Ball poem – Monday – English
Week 2 – Beginning Monday 27th April
Friday 1st May
The home learning for today can be found here:
Here are the answers to your Maths yesterday. Please check your answers.
These are the resources you will need for today:
Thursday 30th April
The home learning plan for today can be found here:
Here are the answers to the work from yesterday, make sure you check your answers:
The resources for today can be found here:
Thursday DGR and Wednesday Answers
Wednesday 29th April
The home learning plan for today can be found here:
Wednesday 29th April home learning plan
Here are the answers to the work from yesterday, make sure you check your answers:
The resources for today can be found here:
Wednesday poem – Dilberta – English
RE – How do Jewish people treat the Torah?
Tuesday 28th April
This is the home learning plan for today:
These are the resources to help you complete your work today:
Slide 1 – What does precious mean
These are the answers to yesterday’s maths:
Monday 27th April
The home learning plan for today:
Resources for today:
PowerPoint – Recognise Right Angles in Shapes
Answers to Maths from Friday 24th April:
Friday 24th April
The home learning plan for today:
Friday 24th April – online learning tasks
Answers to Maths from Thursday 23rd April:
Resources for today:
Thursday 23rd April
The home learning plan for today is here:
Resources you will need for today are here:
Check your answers for Wednesday’s work here:
Wednesday 22nd April
The home learning plan for today is here:
Resources for Wednesday
Oak Trees Life Cycle Worksheet
Check the answers for the work set on Tuesday:
Tuesday 21st April
The home learning plan for today is here:
Tuesday 21st April online learning tasks
Check the answers for the work set on Monday here:
Resources for Tuesday:
Monday 20th April
Welcome back! Hope you had a restful and fun break. Click here for the home learning plan:
These are the resources you will need to complete the home learning for Monday:
Friday 3rd April
Click here for the home learning plan:
These are the resources you will need to complete the home learning for Friday:
Check your answers for the Maths work set yesterday here:
Check your answers for todays Maths work:
We wish you a happy and safe Easter holiday.
Year 3 team.
Click here for the home learning plan:
These are the resources you will need to complete your home learning:
Wednesday 1st April
Click here for the home learning plan:
These are the resources you will need to complete the home learning for today:
Wednesday-describing a setting
Tuesday 31st March
Click here for the home learning plan:
These are the resources you will need to complete the home learning for today:
Tuesday English -describing the moon as a setting
Monday 30th March
Click here for the home learning plan:
These are the resources you will need to complete the home learning for today:
Week 1 – Beginning Monday 23rd March
Friday 27th March
Click here for the home learning plan:
Here you will find the resources needed to complete the home learning for today:
Thursday 26th March
Click here for the home learning plan:
Here you will find the resources needed to complete the home learning for today:
Here are the answers to the DGR from yesterday. What did you get right? Which questions were more challenging?
Wednesday 25th March
Please click here for the home learning plan
Here you will find the resources needed to complete the home learning
Tuesday 24th March
Please click here for the home learning plan
Here you will find the resources needed to complete the home learning
Multiplying 1 digit by 2 digits
Monday 23rd March
Please click here for the home learning plan
Here you will find the resources needed to complete the home learning