Year 5

Welcome to Year 5


Class Teachers
Mrs J Gilfillian – Year group Lead/Religious Education Lead
Mrs T Topalova – D&T Lead
Mrs A Silveira

Learning Support Assistants
Ms H Thomas HLTA
Ms D Tastan LSA
Ms M Hammond LSA
Mrs A Dunlea TA/Welfare

Key Information

Day Time Subject
Daily 9:00-10:20 Writing
Mon-Thu 10:30-11:10 DGR
Daily 11:10-12:05 Maths
Daily 12:05 -12:20 Reading
Daily Sign reading record
Mon/Thu AM/PM PE
Tuesday 8:30 Swimming
Thursday Homework returned
Friday SPAG/Spelling test/Homework sent home

Homework Spelling Curriculum Map Useful Websites

Parent Meetings

Meet the Teacher – Year 5

Educational Visits