
We recognise that consistent attendance significantly enhances children’s academic achievements and overall development. Therefore, we are committed to ensuring that students attend school daily and arrive on time.

Regular attendance and good punctuality can: 

  • Helps children feel more sure of themselves and their abilities.
  • Ensures that every child makes the progress they’re capable of.
  • Helps children feel more connected with their friends and the school community.
  • Develop life skills that are important for the next stage in their education

Reporting Your Child’s Absence

If your child is too unwell to attend school or has a medical appointment, please notify the School Office on the first day of absence, before 8:30 am.

PHONE: 01992 762840  


Our attendance officer monitors pupil absences daily, and we collaborate closely with Enfield Local Education Authority to maintain high attendance rates.

Please be advised that, in accordance with school policy, permission for absences due to holidays during term time will not be granted.

Punctuality is also important; children are expected to arrive at school on time. We have a strict monitoring system in place for pupils who arrive after 8:45 am. Additionally, please ensure your child is collected promptly at the end of the school day, as late pick-ups can be distressing for children. If you are delayed for any reason, kindly contact the school as soon as possible to inform us of the situation.

Let’s work together to achieve the highest possible attendance and punctuality at Prince of Wales. There are 190 school days per year—let’s make them count!

Absence Request Form

Absence Request form