Previous Weeks Y1

Enfield Virtual Olympics

This week Prince of Wales are taking part in the Enfield Virtual Olympics. Look at the information below to find out how to take part, what events you can complete and how to fill in your results card!

POW Virtual Summer Olympics    Pupil Events      Pupil results card

Summer term

Week 7: Week beginning 13.07.2020

Monday 13th July 2020

Monday feelings word mat


set 1 nk      set 2 ar (2)      set 3 ew (2)


Tuesday 14th July 2020

Tuesday Caterpillar PP



set 1 m    Phonics set 2 or (3)    set 3 ire (2)


Wednesday 15th July 2020

Wednesday PPoint

Wednesday maths activity


phonics set 1 a (2)     Phonics set 2 air (3)     set 3 ear (2)








Monday 6th July 2020

Robot number bonds to 10


set 1 sh      set 2 ee (2)      set 3 ur (2)

Tuesday 7th July

Maths Tuesday

set 1 th         set 2 igh (4)        set 3 er

Wednesday 8th July

Wednesday 8th July worksheet[1996]

set 1 ch        Phonics set 2 ow (3)      set 3 ow (3)

Thursday 9th July

Thursday maths

Thurs set 1 qu        Thurs set 2 oo poo (3)         Thurs set 3 ai (2)

Friday 10th July

Friday maths

Fri set 1 ng         Fri set 2 oo book (3)            Fri set 3 oa (2)









Monday 29th June 2020

DigiSafe- 29.06.20


set 1 v       set 2 air (2)     set 3 i-e (2)


Tuesday 30th June 2020


set 1 y         set 2 ir (2)         set 3 o-e (2)


Wednesday 1st July 2020


set 1 w.          set 2 ou (2)          set 3 u-e (2)


Thursday 2nd July 2020

set 1 z

Phonics set 2 oy (2)

set 3 aw (2)


Friday 3rd July 2020

set 1 x[2048]

Phonics set 2 ay (2)[2049]

set 3 are (2)[2050]

Summer Term

Week 4: Week beginning 22.06.2020

DigiSafe 22.06.20

Monday 22nd June 2020

set 1 e

set 2 ow(2)

set 3 ear


Tuesday 23rd June 2020


set 1 l (1)

set 2 oo poo (2)

set 3 ea


Wednesday 24th June 2020


set 1 h

set 2 oo book (2) (1)

set 3 oi (3)


Thursday 25th June 2020


set 1 r

set 2 ar (1)

set 3 a-e (2)


Friday 26th June 2020

halving and doubling challenge cards- friday

Man-made or Natural 26.06.20


set 1 j (1)

Phonics set 2 or (2) (1)

set 3 a-e (3)


Friday 19th June

#Lesson Presentation Suffixes -ing

Friday ing sheet

set 1 f     

set 2 igh (3)

set 3 ire

Thursday 18th June

English worksheet

#Lesson Presentation Suffixes -ed



set 2 ee     set 1 b      set 3 ew


Wednesday 17th June

Wednesday question mark and exclamation sheet


set 1 u       set 2 ay     set 3 oa


Tuesday 16th June

Tuesday days and months sheet


set 1 k set 2 oy set 3 ai


Monday 15th June

English activity 1

English activity 2


 set 1 c      set 2 ou     set 3 ow


Monday 8th June

Walter’s Windy Washing Line (1)

Walter’s Windy Washing Line (2)


set 1 i (1)      set 2 oo book (1)      set 3 u-e



Tuesday 9th June.

English sequencing pictures

Science 9th June


set 1 n (1)      set 2 ar      set 3 aw

DigiSafe 08.06.20


Wednesday 10th June.

Science Wednesday


set 1 p       set 2 or        set 3 are


Thursday 11th June


set 1 g      set 2 air        set 3 ur


Friday 12th June

Walter’s Windy Washing Line (1)     Walter’s Windy Washing Line (2)

science powerpoint


set 1 o        set 2 ir        set 3 er



Week beginning 1st June

Monday 1st June

Phonics set 1 m    Phonics set 2 ay    Phonics set 3 ea

Tuesday 2nd June

Walters Windy washing line story Tuesday 2nd June

Phonics set 1 a Phonics set 2 ee Phonics set 3 oi


Wednesday 3rd June

Pg 12 – end Walters Windy washing line

Phonics set 1 s     phonics set 2 igh       phonics set 3 oi


Thursday 4th June 

phonics set 1    phonics set 2       phonics set 3


Friday 5th June

set 3 o-e

set 2 oo

set 1 t


Week 5

Friday 22nd May 2020 

Phonics set 1 u     Phonics set 2 ay    Phonics set 1 u

Thursday 21st May 2020

Phonics Set 1 K    Phonics Set 2 oy    Phonics set 3 ai

Wednesday 20th May 2020

Wednesday maths

Phonics Set 1 C      Phonics Set 2 OU      Phonics Set 3 OW

Tuesday 19th May 2020 

Tuesday Maths 19.05.20   

Phonics Set 1 nk      Phonics Set 2 ar    Phonics Set 3 ire

Monday 18th May 2020

Monday Maths PowerPoint


Phonics Set 1 ng    Phonics Set 2 oo      Phonics Set 3 ew

Week 4

Week beginning 11th May

Friday 15th May 2020


Thursday 14th May 2020

Phonics Set 1 ch  Phonics Set 2 ow  Phonics Set 3 ai


Wednesday 13th May 2020

Town and Country

Phonics Set 1 th   Phonics Set 2 igh    Phonics Set 3 aw


Tuesday 12th May 2020

Town and Country Mouse Story

Phonics set 1 sh    Phonics Set 2 ee    Phonics Set 3 er


Monday 11th May 2020

Phonics Set 1 x     Phonics Set 2 ay    Phonics set 3 ur

DigiSafe Wk 4

VE Day – Friday 8th May

Please celebrate VE Day at home with your family on Friday 8th May.  We would love to see photographs of your celebrations that we can include in the newsletter over the next few weeks. There are lots of ideas of how to make war time cakes and bunting and a suggestion of having a indoor family picnic in the link below.  Don’t forget we learnt lots of wartime song in assembly – maybe you can teach one of these to someone at home!

VE Day

Bunting Template

How to make your Great British bunting step by step

VE Day 2020 EYFS

VE Day activites 7th 8th May (1)


Week 3

Week beginning 4th May

Thursday 07.05.20

PSHE powerpoint

Phonics set 1 z      Phonics set 2 oy    Phonics set 3 are


Wednesday 06.05.20

Phonics set 1 w      Phonics set 2 ou    Phonics set 3 aw


Tuesday 05.05.20

Phonics set 1 y     Phonics set 2 ur    Phonics set 3 u-e


Monday 04.05.20



Click on the links below to practice your phonics

Phonics set 1 v      Phonics set 2 air     Phonics set 3 o-e

Week 2

Week beginning 27th April

Monday 27th April

Phonics set 1 e    Phonics set 2 ow challenge    Phonics Set 3 ear

Tuesday 28th April

Tuesday 28th April

Tuesday work sheet

Tuesday powerpoint

Phonics set 1 L   Phonics set 2 oo    Phonics set 3 ea

Wednesday 29th April

Wednesday 29th April

WednesdThursday 30th Aprilay RE

Maths power point

Phonics set 1 h     Phonics set 2 oo     Phonics set 3 oi

Thursday 30th April

Thursday 30th April

Thursday maths sheet

Thursday RE power point

Thursday RE

Phonics set 1 r     Phonics set 2 ar  Phonics set 3 a-e

Friday 1st May

Friday 1st May

Friday powerpoint RE

Phonics set 1 J       Phonics set 2 or    Phonics set 3 i-e

Week 1

Week beginning 20th April 2020

Monday 20th April 2020

Monday 20th April 2020

Monday Maths worksheet  

Monday phonics set 1 c  Monday phonics set 2 ou  Monday phonics set 3 ow

Tuesday 21st April 2020

Tuesday Maths worksheet


Tuesday 21 April phonics set 1 k    Tuesday 21 April phonics set 2 oy    Tuesday 21 April phonics set 3 ai

Wednesday 22nd April 2020

Set 1 phonics u    Set 2 Phonics ay    Set 3 phonics oa

Thursday 23rd April 2020

Set 1 phonics b  Set 2 phonics ee  Set 3 Phonics ew

Friday 24th April 2020

Friday maths worksheet 

Phonics set 1 f    Phonics set 2 igh    Phonics set 3 ire

Week 2

Week beginning 30th March 2020

Monday 30.03.20

Tuesday 31.03.20

Wednesday 01.04.20

Resource 1      Resource 2

Thursday 02.04.20

Friday 03.04.20

Friday 3rd April Phonics     Friday April 3rd Phonics extra

Mon 30 March Phonics Practice  For more phonics challenges click here Mon 30 phonics extra

Tuesday phonics 31.3.20   Click here for extra phonics Tuesday 31.3.20 phonics extra

Wed 1 st April phonics    Wed April 1st Phonics extra 

Thursday 2nd April Phonics amended      Thursday April 2nd phonics extra oi

Week 1

Week beginning 23rd March 2020

Phonics Week 1

Monday 23.03.20

Tuesday 24.03.20

Wednesday 25.03.20

Thursday 26.03.20

Week 1 phonics Thursday 26th March

Friday 27.03.20

Friday 27 Phonics

If you would like extra phonics click here  Friday 27 Phonics extra