
Geography Aims

At Prince of Wales we aim to stimulate a curiosity about the world which will last a lifetime.  We believe that children should make connections and celebrate diversity of places and cultures.  Children should understand local and global issues and learn the skills to contribute to a rapidly changing world. 

Our Geography Curriculum

The children and staff at Prince of Wales have links all over the world.  We can proudly call ourselves a ‘global school’. The teaching of geography will focus on understanding these diverse places to foster understanding and develop a sense of identity for our children.
We ensure that the teaching of geography is clearly sequenced and compliments the history units of study.  This allows children to make links in their learning and build knowledge.  Substantive knowledge is retained through the use of knowledge builders and quizzes and disciplinary knowledge arms children with the skills to learn more independently.  In other words….
Substantive Knowledge + Disciplinary knowledge = Geographical understanding


When teaching geography we will exploit our diversity and use these places to compare and contrast where we live here with the places where children have links.  This makes learning relevant and fun and we can draw on the richness of our school community.
Geography starts from the child’s immediate environment, beginning with the school grounds. Through visits into the local community, their world is extended through first hand experiences, building up their geographical knowledge and skills.
They then move onto studying places around the word, hot and cold countries, thinking about what it is like to live there, how we can look after our environment and looking in more detail about what our environment is like. In Geography, we encourage children to ask as well as answer questions and offer them the opportunity to use a variety of methods to gain information and develop critical thinking.
Geographical skills, mapping and fieldwork will be taught through utilising our local area like the Royal Small Arms Factory, Wetlands and award winning school grounds.
Perhaps most importantly, geography will be taught in a fun way.  Children will be encouraged to make geographical features, plant trees, visit wetlands, rivers and waterways.  We believe that these real learning experiences and having fun will make these learning experiences last a lifetime.

Geography Curriculum Overview

  Autumn 1 – history Autumn 2 – geography Spring 1 – history Spring 2 – Geography Summer 1 – history Summer 2 – Geography
Year 1   Where in the world are our families from?

Continents and Oceans

  How does the weather change?

Seasonal & Daily weather patterns UK


Where do I live and go to school?

Fieldwork – School and

Year 2   What are the characteristics of the UK?

UK countries and capitals. Trip to London.

  Where are the hot and cold places in the world?

Antarctica and Africa.

  What are the differences in places?

Fieldwork.  Compare Enfield, Walton and Jamaica.

Year 3   Where are the high places in the world?

Hills and mountains.

(USE HEP unit Mountains)

  New Unit.

Why are settlements where they are?

(Use HEP unit on Settlement)

  How do rivers shape the landscape?

River Nile.  Fieldwork. Local area River Lee.

Year 4   How did trade become global?

Global trade. Link to Ancient Greek trade. 

  What makes the earth angry?

Volcanoes and earthquakes.

Link to Vesuvius.

  New unit.

Why do people move?


(Use HEP unit on migration)

Year 5   How does water move around the world?

Coasts and Water Cycles

(Use HEP coastal process and landforms)


Geography of Enfield Lock.

  How has human activity impacted on rainforests?

Benin link. (42% of the country is rainforest)

Year 6   How can geography explain what unites and divides Europe?

Modern Europe

(Move Spring 2 on climate zones here)

  Global climate zones and vegetation belts


(Use HEP unit energy and climate action)


How do I get to my new school?